
In Week 1, I added unit tests, finalized the new workflow and fixed few of the bugs in the generator.

This week’s progress

I started implementing the workflow that I made in Week 1 and successfully did it. However, the error handling was not completed and I noticed a few improvements in the generator. I added some validation checks on the inputs from the user and proceeded to work on workflow.

Tasks completed in week 2

1. Implement the new workflow (almost completed).
2. Add validation check for toolNameHuman and toolNameComputer.

Minutes of the meeting (weekly call on Wednesday):

1. We discussed about the final workflow.
2. The previous PRs were reviewed and it was decided that we will only use npm and local way of importing files and not GitHub.
3. If needed later, we may add a third option to import files from GitHub.

Goals for week 3

1. Finish the two way workflow for making and upgrading components.
2. Add unit and e2e tests for the new feature.
3. Work on the chages requested in Weekly call.


The code can be found in the PRs which I sent to the main repository. —